TED Lectures
- Dan Dennett: Response to Rick Warren
- E.O. Wilson: Saving life on earth
- Hans Rosling: Religions and Babies
- James Randi: Fiery take down of pyschic fraud
- Jared Diamond on on why societies collapse
- Jonathan Haidt: The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives
- Louise Leakey: A dig for humanity’s origins
- Michael Shermer: The pattern behind self-deception
- Michael Specter: The Danger of Science Denial
- Richard Dawkins: Militant atheism
- Richard Dawkins: Why the universe seems so strange
- Robert Wright the evolution of compassion
- Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions
- Stephen Hawking asks big questions about the universe
- Steven Pinker: The Surprising Decline in Violence
Charlie Rose
- Charlie Rose: A conversation with author Jared Diamond
- Charlie Rose: A conversation with biologist Richard Dawkins
- Charlie Rose: A discussion with James Watson and E.O. Wilson