Welcome to the Grand Traverse Humanists. If you value science, reason, and compassion and believe that humans are responsible for their own destiny, you have come to the right place. We are a community for the non-religious in the Grand Traverse area, offering a forum for discussing and advancing a secular worldview based on our common humanity. Our programs include monthly speakers and discussions, film and book groups, and various volunteer and social events. All are free and open to the public. Check out Upcoming Events below, or click on the calendar. Nontheists, agnostics, atheists, freethinkers, rationalists, humanists, and more…we welcome you to join us!
Upcoming Events
G.T. Humanist Book Club: Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant
The next book chosen for the Grand Traverse Humanists book club is “Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant,” by Curtis Chin. It’s a memoir that tells the story of the author growing up as a gay Chinese-American kid in 1980s Detroit.We’ll meet to discuss the book on Sunday, September 29, at 4 p.m. at the home of Sue and Gregg McDonald. RSVP to Sue at librarygirl1963@hotmail.com, or 231-360-7510. -
G.T. Humanists Bike Ride: VASA Single Track
Join the Grand Traverse Humanists Sunday, October 6, for a bike ride on the VASA Single Track, followed by a potluck/tin foil dinner around a fire. Mountain bike or similar needed for trail riding. Or, just show up to hang out and enjoy the food and company.We will meet at the home of Scott and Suzette Blair, whose house is adjacent to the VASA trail. RSVP to Scott at 231-313-7214.