On the road to DC…
Taking DC’s excellent Metro downtown to the National Mall.
On the Metro, after deciphering their complicated ticket-buying procedures.
Throngs of people going to the rally!
Nearly there…one escalator ride away from the Mall…
The first of many wonderful t-shirts we saw at the Rally.
We have arrived at the Mall!
A Reason Rally volunteer dispenses helpful information.
We found Larry and Lynda almost immediately! Not so lucky with Bob, unfortunately.
Sharing a laugh at the rally…we’re all among friends!
Another great t-shirt!
Took this picture for Jennifer…see, there are at least two of you!
Thank goodness for sane people.
He’s even taller than I thought.
Two musicians opened the rally with some festive (if irreverent) tunes.
Our best view of the audience was on the Jumbotron.
Another t-shirt logo we loved.
A few of the many great signs at the rally.
We stood steadfast through steady rain.
Jessica Ahlquist, the high school student from Rhode Island, wowed the crowd.
Rain could not dampen our enthusiasm for the awesome Tim Minchin!
Even the Flying Spaghetti Monster was there!
Have to agree with JFK.
We had a pretty good spot near the front!
Richard Dawkins rallies the secular masses!
On to the American Atheists convention. Just a few of the excellent speakers.
Richard Dawkins offers some thoughtful remarks at the convention.
Another great t-shirt seen at the convention.
And the front is great, too!
Dressed up for the costume party…er, well, one of us is.
Margaret Downey, president of the Freethought Society, hams it up as a devilish angel!
The wonderful PZ Myers…check out his blog, Pharyngula.
Excellent cartoon from PZ Myers’ presentation