Smart Commute Week in Traverse City June 4-9 2012
From The Affirmations of Humanism…“We want to protect and enhance the earth…preserve it for future generations…”
Smart Commute Week is an annual week-long celebration of smart commuting that takes place the first full week in June. During Smart Commute Week an exciting, energizing, cool and noticeable transformation in transportation takes place in Traverse City and beyond of people getting around without their individual automobiles. Smart Commute Week’s critical mass and safety in numbers makes it a perfect opportunity for people to give smart commuting a try. In addition to encouraging new smart commuters, the purpose of the Week is also about gathering to celebrate the community’s year-round veteran smart commuters and infrastructure improvements to provide more safe, connected and accessible active transportation.
Enjoy free breakfasts at locations around Traverse City every morning if you ride your bicycle! Click here for more information.